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Evelyn’s Farm


Evelyn’s Farm

Resource Manager and Adventure Game

Reviewed By:  Aaron Spelker


I try not to provide any plot spoilers during my game reviews.  However, I didn’t feel I could do Evelyn’s Farm justice without getting to the early twist.  The game appears at first to be an idle resource manager.  You are trying to earn money for college, so you gain employment at Evelyn’s Farm.  You start by collecting apples, pumpkins, and corn.  This requires you to repeatedly tap the screen to advance the progress bar.  Later, you can hire your friends (Ivan and Lucy) to assist on the farm.  You can assign each or both friends to one task while you advance another task.  When you assign a friend to a task, the first letter of their name will be placed next to the title of that task.  This helps you keep track of the activities your group is working on. Speaking with Evelyn will educate you more about the farm and improve your strength and intelligence statistics. Each task requires either strength, intelligence or money to complete.  The higher your strength or intelligence numbers the faster you can complete a related task.  But, throughout the game you will be double tapping the ‘Work’ button non-stop.


Suddenly, the farm is attacked and Evelyn is mortally wounded.  She sets you on a path to cryptically find ‘The Other Evelyn’.  As you chase the attackers, you stumble upon an interdimensional gate.  I pictured it to be similar to the Stargate from the movie and TV show.  As you step through the gate, you find two parallel worlds.  One world is ruled by a tyrannical Priestess and the other is under threat of being overthrown.  From here, the game becomes a mix of resource manager and adventure game.  The player needs to determine who to side with.  Do you join the Priestess or do you inspire a rebellion?  Do you create a economic alliance or do you steal technology for yourself? Or do you forget the nightmare you discovered and take your earnings and go to college and hope everything works out?  Depending on your choices, you will end up with a different ending.  This adds some replay ability to Evelyn’s Farm.

The game does a solid job at informing the player how to progress the story.  At each location, the player has a series of tasks available.  Tasks that will progress the story forward are marked with an exclamation mark.  Swiping right and left will move you through the tasks.  I did find that sometimes swiping would either skip a task or repeat the same task.  I turned on ‘Vertical Navigation’ in the rotary and that improved the navigation experience.

Evelyn’s farm is not what you expected and that is what made this experience so fun and engaging.

Grade B plus

US / UK Price $2.99 / £2.49

United States Link:

UK Link:

For more information and to chat to other iOS gamers you can join the Apple iPhone iOS Voiceover Compatible Games Facebook Group. Link here.

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